Hair Stylist EMORI MIHO/江守 美保 所属のお知らせ

📢 新たな出会いとともに
2025年2月1日より、Hair Stylist EMORI MIHO が新たに私たちのチームに加わりました。これからは ende にて、彼女の活動を支援し、マネジメントを担当いたします。
これまで支えてくださった皆さまとのご縁を大切にしながら、新たに出会う皆さまとも、一緒に素敵な時間を創り上げていけることを、MIHO EMORI はじめスタッフ一同、心より楽しみにしております。
📢 A New Journey Begins
As of February 1, 2025, Hair Stylist EMORI MIHO has officially joined our team.
Moving forward, we at ende will be supporting her activities and managing her career.
We deeply cherish the connections we have built with everyone who has supported us so far,
and we are equally excited about the new encounters and collaborations that lie ahead.
MIHO EMORI and our entire team are looking forward to creating wonderful moments together with you.
Please feel free to reach out to us anytime.
We sincerely appreciate your continued support.